As with all things the finish of any product is only as good as the materials you use. For us this begins with choosing the right vinyl for the job. So what is the right vinyl for my job you ask? Well for us its simple.
We only use a 5-8 year vinyl for all our cut vinyl work for external signs.
We only use a 4 year vinyl for our temporary and internal signs as standard practice.
Now I here you say you want a vehicle wrap? Do you really want a vehicle wrap or is vehicle graphics with digital prints included?
At Pennine Signs we are happy to do vehicle wraps and have wrapped loads of things from Buses to Scooters to even a coffin.
Most people who come to us for a vehicle graphic solution often come in saying they want a vehicle wrap as that’s the term they have herd used in the past. A vehicle wrap is more than just prints on a vehicle. A vehicle wrap if often a full skin the vehicle. This can be for a colour change or more often than not supersized graphics all over.
We have found through our open honest approach that most people just want images or large graphics on the vehicle rather than a full wrap.
If we are doing a full vehicle wrap where we are making the graphic conform so that it looks and performs similar to paint then we will use cast vinyl film.
If the area does not have deep contours or complex areas to stretch and conform round then a calendared vinyl is ideal.
For us the choice of vinyl is simple. We only use the right materials for the job and all our printed vinyl graphics are laminated as standard.
Therefore you the customer never needs to worry if we are using he right materials for the job as here a Pennine Signs we believe that the finish of any product is only as good as the materials used.